Friday, May 15, 2015

Value Of Nothing

I don't have a date tonight, nor tomorrow night.  I'm not intending to hand out food to starving villages in Africa or study to be a doctor or a nurse.  If those are the only things that make a person worthy of not being euthanized, just kill me now.
My lust for life could be confused with my abundance of optimism.  However, I find my days are often uneventful to the T and I am often very disappointed in this fact.  Music and movies don't light my life like they used to and I have not adopted any friends or other interests over the years.
On the other hand, I am often angry.  Nobody seems to comprehend the reasons for it.  So, on the contrary, my lust for life could be confused as being non existent.
I always hope things will come along and make me happy.  I don't plan for them.  They come by on accident 99% of the time.
If all of these things make me worthless, then kill me now.
If I am not worthless, then I do not expect to be dragged around, tied down and forced to wade through untold hours of boredom.  If you have no interest in doing me a favor, then say so.  If you have any interest in doing me a favor so long as a punishment for my not having a date tonight is included, then I do not want it.

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