Monday, April 21, 2008

now it comes...

After thinking about it for like 15+ minutes, it just occurred to me that I coulda been a little less critical...I really don't remember saying anything too demanding or insulting, but I suppose I was a bit nitpicky, which may have bothered my online friend (Chris). I guess I didn't realize how nitpicky I was being, 'cause that's pretty much how I think all the time; I take one piece of information and strip it down to its last layer to get all of its depth. Sometimes I get too caught up in that process I forget to add up all the pieces of information that are given to other words I'm uptight, non easy going, etc....I gave Chris a link to this blog, since I've only told him about it (once) in passing, so hopefully this'll pass for an apology.
Later, dude (?)

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